So I found out yesterday that our second little critter is a boy! I am excited and hopeful that my two little men will be great friends and buddies... but at the same time I am a little sad that it's not a girl. That is hard for me to admit, honestly. I love my baby boy already with all my heart. But like most mommies, I would enjoy having another girl in the house. We may end up trying again, but this pregnancy has been a little more difficult for me and I'm afraid another would be even worse.
I ended up having to have seven iron infusions. My iron got down to 6, and "normal" is 15-55. I went all gung-ho and did them all within nine days. Crazy, perhaps... but my thoughts were a. get it over with and b. the sooner it all gets in there, the better I'll feel. So, how do I feel? Well... I thought I'd be bouncing off the walls by now and my whole house would finally be spotless and everything would be wonderful. And? Not so much. When others have asked me this question, my answer has been "Well, at least I'm not so exhausted I feel like crying." That's an improvement, right?
Back to Baby Boy #2- My next move is to start cleaning out the other bedroom that is currently being used as a catch-all room. I believe my plan is to keep the current nursery just the way it is and move Toodle to the new room. As a big brother, he gets a new space and a new theme. So, I'm off to look for toddler room themes, though I'm thinking we're going with Cars (the Disney ones, specifically). But I'm open to suggestions! Nursery is going to stay themed with biplanes and clouds.
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