Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Million Directions

Wow... It's been 5 months since I last posted.  And, I must say it has been *quite* an interesting 5 months. 

Confession:  I always feel like there are a million things I need/want to do.  I get overwhelmed and my brain goes in 90-thousand different directions, and then guess how much of it gets accomplished?  Yeah... close to none.  At least I didn't say "None", right?  So, Husband and I decided that I am officially a stay-at-home momma.  I just need to find new ways to make money from home.    So here goes my train of thought.  Or... Trains.  Because what fun is just one?

#1:  Find ways to make a profit using Avon.  I've been selling Avon for... ummmmm... 6 years?  Maybe 7?  But I mainly sell to the ladies at my mom's company.  After expenses of books, and occasionally buying some products myself, there's usually a few bucks left.  So, I tried "tubing"- putting leftover Avon books in newspaper boxes.  I gotta tell you, I'm a pretty shy girl and I'm always afraid of getting yelled at.  So I try to do it as early in the day as I can get Toodle out the door.  I've only done it once with no results but I know I need to give it a few times before I can expect anything much.

#2 I became a thirty-one representative.  I love it.  My parties go great.  My biggest issue is booking.  I'm a little nervous about keeping things going if I can't find bookings.  I've only done three parties so far, but they've been good and I've had a lot of fun.  So I really do hope this is something I can get going.

#3  I am also thinking about opening an Etsy store to sell hand-made crafts.  My ideas here pretty much need to be sub-categorized.  I'm really trying to reel myself in here.  I have to remind myself that I can only keep track of so many things at once... Especially when my main focus is being the best mommy I can be.

#4  Oh yeah, speaking of which, I am also now growing another human!